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Essential resources for banking executives:enter ‘Banking Reinvented’

Human Assist Services

Re-imagine your customer service

Empower your front-office and development teams with a comprehensive, easy-to-use, and customizable solution to drive faster, more effective customer support. Boost employee productivity, preserve the personal touch, and keep costs down — Human Assist Services lets you have it all without compromise.

EBP Platform Capabilities Human Assist Services

Say goodbye to fragmented customer service journeys

Give your customers and employees a consistent, unified experience. Our comprehensive, configurable microservices give your bank’s development teams the power to compose exceptional, human-assisted support services. You’ll finally have the freedom to re-imagine your bank’s customer service journeys, without the need for extensive development, expensive servicing costs, and added risk.

A single, unified workspace

Eliminate your silos, improve productivity

Enhance operational efficiency and leverage data-driven insights by centralizing data, systems, and workflows. Boost productivity among your front-office employees with a harmonized workspace that fosters seamless team collaboration and exceptional customer service. You’ll free your employees up from juggling multiple siloed systems, making it easier for them to access the information they need in just a few clicks.

Human Assist - Unified workspace

360° customer view

Empower your teams with the right tools

Provide your teams with a comprehensive, ready-to-go employee application that includes everything they need to service customers better, faster, and more effectively. Whether it's a simple scenario like unblocking a card or a complex one like completing a mortgage application with live helpdesk support — we’ve got you covered.

Human Assist - 360 customer overview

Act on behalf of customers

High-impact assistance in real time

Enable your customer service agents to access real-time customer information and then perform critical actions on their behalf. Our platform’s pre-integrated microservices allow you to seamlessly integrate identity, access control, device management, and audit functionalities, based on open standards like FIDO and OpenID Connect. You’ll be able to see what your customers see and quickly resolve queries — without compromising on security.

Human Assist - Act on behalf

Live-chat, video call

Instant assistance on any channel

Empower your customers to connect with service agents instantly through their preferred digital channels, with pre-integrated live chat at the touch of a button within banking apps.

Human Assist - Live chat

Proactive, data-driven smart assistance

Better anticipate your customers' needs

Seamlessly aggregate customer data from multiple systems into a single 360° view, empowering your service agents with real-time support and configurable account insights to identify service and sales opportunities. With our comprehensive development framework and APIs, your engineers can create unique front-line services tailored specifically to your business.
Human Assist - Smart assistance

Case Manager

Automated customer case management

From front to back office, you’ll combine automation, prioritization, and continual digital customer engagement — all in a single view. Our case management solution is driven by automated processes, giving your employees clear workflows so they can resolve queries as efficiently as possible, increasing productivity as well as customer satisfaction.

Human Assist Case manager

Broker Portal

A single collaborative workspace

Give your employees and customers the power to facilitate complex loan originations together — and that’s just the beginning. Enable seamless collaboration while giving your agents a single source of truth so they can seamlessly apply for products on behalf of customers. You’ll be able to personalize offerings, minimize dropoff, reduce origination costs, achieve economies of scale, and even expand your lender reach.

Human Assist - Broker Portal

Advisory Portal

Supercharge your investment advice

Deliver superior service by streamlining and automating key processes with advanced tools for data analysis, risk assessment, and portfolio management. With a single holistic approach — covering client applications as well as middle- and back-office functionalities — you’ll be able to empower your employees to offer personalized, strategic advice that’s tailored to each customer’s unique financial goals and circumstances.

Human Assist - Investment overview


Unified workspace

Combine a range of critical customer service tools into a best-in-class unified workspace for service agents, including a rich 360° view of the customer, customer profile management, on-behalf-of actions, real-time communications, and more.

360° Customer View

Consolidate siloed customer data from core banking systems, CRMs, fintechs, and other databases into a 360° view. From personal customer details to product and account information, easily configure the types of data service agents can see and enable more consistent service at a lower cost.

User Management

Govern user interaction with digital banking applications through easy to navigate journeys spanning user creation, enrollment, and access, all managed via a unified workspace and fully connected to core banking systems.

Act on behalf

Create a secure service environment powered by highly configurable entitlements and access controls that enable permitted service agents to carry out key service actions — such as managing access and card — on behalf of a customer.


Leverage a 360° view to offer personalized advice to customers via automations (chatbots) or portfolio advisors and service agents. Make recommendations based on financial health, credit reports, income, and expenditure patterns, all within a unified workspace.

Customer Communications

Connect customer communication channels such as secure messaging and live chat, directly within a unified workspace, and enable agents to deliver instant and low-friction experiences for customers.

Other platform capabilities

Fintech Integrations

Enrich your customer experience by adding cutting-edge experiences to your apps.

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Digital Assist

Deliver exceptional customer service every feature they need for quick resolution and upsell, in one unified solution.

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Digital Engage

Create impactful and personalized customer interactions at scale.

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