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Explore the trends that will impact the banking landscape in 2025 and beyond.Read the report

Helping small businesses: a Canadian perspective

How do you provide end-to-end digital customer journeys?

by Randy Johal


Every business owner expects their onboarding and origination processes to be intuitive and digitalized as much as possible. Leading FI’s have grasped this insight and developed digital-first experiences across each of the customer episodes below. By identifying the resistance points and embedding fintech partners in areas such as eKYC (Onfido), Data aggregation (Flinks/Plaid), and electronic signatures (DocuSign), they have established themselves as the bank businesses love.

For which of these processes do you provide end-to-end digital experiences? If the answer is two or less, take a look at the user journeys and digital capabilities to implement FinTech’s that drive the e2e user journey and significantly reduce manual paperwork for small businesses and larger corporates.

Let’s chat about Digital Sales, a fail-proof way to address the customer resistance points in the areas mentioned above at [email protected], Backbase can help you better understand the challenges of businesses and how our solution can address your gaps.

: Even the leading financial institutions struggle to provide more than a few e2e solutions in Canada.

Business digital banking journeys
Woman holding tablet behind desk

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