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Explore the trends that will impact the banking landscape in 2025 and beyond.Read the report

Deep dive into delivering value with Backbase and Microsoft

Customers today demand that financial institutions create offerings that are centered around their needs. And because customer engagement and servicing go hand in hand, banks must make sure that their technology and infrastructure are prepared to support both customers and employees.

That’s why we’ve united the best-in-breed tech of the Backbase Engagement Banking Platform with Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services – to offer an optimal experience for bank employees and their customers.

In this 30-minute demo, you’ll get a deep-dive into our collaboration and find out how we realized our shared vision. You’ll step into the shoes of a bank’s customers and employees and get insights into how employees can resolve customer problems while also up- and cross-selling to them at the same time.


  • Thomas Mathew

    Senior Director Industry Cloud at Microsoft
  • Elliott Haralambous

    Global Ecosystems Director at Backbase

Keen to learn more?

Image of Winning strategies to jumpstart your digital transformation

Key recommendations for greenfield, mid-market, and enterprise banks.

While decades of incremental tech, siloed infrastructures, and outdated legacy systems have stifled financial institutions’ ability to innovate and provide real customer value, today’s customers expect personalized digital products and processes to meet their banking needs.

In order to survive — and thrive — financial institutions need to completely re-architect around their customers, shift to a platform operating model, and put the user experience at the heart of their business. But embracing the paradigm shift has always been challenging. Until now.

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